
Pranay, the sensibly sensitive Swain

Pranay, the sensibly sensitive Swain
Hit it like no one has ever done it before!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Red red go away, come again no other day!

I wish Karl Marx was alive to see how his conceptual notions have been used, misused and abused day in day out here. The other day, someone asked me if i noticed any difference between Marxism and Maoism. And, I strongly said no- as I feel at an ideological level, its all abt class struggle. But I had a problem with the manifestations. Violence/killing CANNOT just be justified at any cost.
Killing people to gain visibility or to stake claim over scoring a point has no place in a civilized society.
74 CRPF jawans massacred in a naxal ambush in Dantewada!!!! Omigawd!
I just fail to understand why aren’t our security forces equipped and trained enough!!! Look at any developed nation and you would be surprised to see how their security personnel look like let alone the modern ammunition that they carry. And the political apathy!!! Guess a top-notch politician should fall prey to such mishap to ignite a stern action against people who take law and order into their hands and go on a killing spree.
This dantewada thing was a sheer mockery of intelligence, tactics, combat, preparedness, and the list goes on..................if media reports are anything to go by, the naxal folks were carrying sophisticated arms which makes one to believe that there is a much deeper and larger network which is outfoxing the intelligence of the country. And if this is not the case, then there might be some high level involvement ( well, this is just a speculation). One cannot ignore any permutation or combination when it comes to such a sensitive issue that is – security...I hang my head in shame the way we have created a hero in kasab ( just because there was a cross-border intrusion) and have given clod eye to our internal enemies..

I must submit that i have very limited reading to the cause that some people are fighting for. But then, i just cannot see them let free with a license to kill ( am sure they think so).

Less than two years ago, I lost a very good friend of mine to such dastardly act. It was a huge personal loss and I can only feel for the families of the deceased. Destiny of such people who are in the noble cause of saving the motherland is written in such a fashion-----well, I can just offer my dry prayers. Wish I could do more.....

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